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Dad praised for ‘petty revenge’ on passenger who wouldn’t stop kicking his daughter’s chair during flight

Dad praised for ‘petty revenge’ on passenger who wouldn’t stop kicking his daughter’s chair during flight

We've all thought about doing something like this, surely?

A father's way of dealing with a nine-year-old child who wouldn't stop kicking his daughter's seat has been branded 'genius' by online commenters.

It's no secret that air travel is a horrendous ordeal even at the best of times.

But if the prospect of turbulence, recycled air, and the existential terror of hurtling through the sky in a metal tube wasn't enough, then someone starts kicking the back of your seat - and won't stop.

This is what one girl found when she was flying with her dad at 14-years-old and a child sitting behind her began repeatedly kicking her seat.

But luckily for her, her dad managed to put a stop to it.

Flying can be an unpleasant experience at the best of times (Frazao Studio Latino / Getty)
Flying can be an unpleasant experience at the best of times (Frazao Studio Latino / Getty)

Taking to Reddit, she wrote: "It was a nighttime flight and everyone was beat. It was also a small, budget airline with not much legroom.

"About 10 minutes into the flight, the kid behind me started kicking my seat. To be clear, he wasn't very little, maybe nine or 10.

"I let my dad know and he politely asks him to stop, and he does... for about 10 seconds. We tell him again (more firmly this time), but no luck."

At this point, her dad decided to take matters into his own hands, reclining his seat fully and leaving no space for the child to do anything.

She added: "When they ask him to put it up he doesn't. They call the flight attendant and the jerk's dad talks to him."

Needless to say, things did not go well when the attendant came over.

The dad took a simple measure to stop the kicking (chain45154 / Getty)
The dad took a simple measure to stop the kicking (chain45154 / Getty)

The daughter wrote: "He walks away with the dad left spluttering and cursing under his breath. Fun times!"

She added: "The parents realised what happened and after a few harsh whispers, got the kid to stop kicking. But that didn't stop them from glaring at both me, my dad, and the flight attendant who walked by.

"My dad did keep the seat down for another hour, but got up once he was sure those parents learned their lesson."

People were very impressed with the response, and took to the comments on social media to share their praise.

One wrote: "Your dad gets an A+ in petty revenge. Some people can't be reached unless they are directly impacted.

"As long as the kid was kicking someone else's seat, they couldn't be bothered."

A second commented: "He should have waited till they had drinks (hopefully cold) then reclined rapidly - oops sorry!"

Meanwhile, a third said: "Well done. Made them make the kid stop kicking, and got the added benefit of making them seem crazy.

"Two thumbs, way up."

Featured Image Credit: Getty Stock

Topics: News, US News, Travel, Reddit, Social Media