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Haunting last words of man who spent his final minutes saving children before being struck by lightning on beach

Haunting last words of man who spent his final minutes saving children before being struck by lightning on beach

Patrick Dispoto has been hailed as a hero after he died at Seaside Park while helping children to safety

A man has been hailed as a 'hero' following his actions while holidaying on the beach with his girlfriend.

Patrick Dispoto tragically died after being struck by lightning on Seaside Park in New Jersey, US.

The 59-year-old had been enjoying a hot day on the beach with his girlfriend when they noticed that the weather was about to change for the worse.

They noticed that there were a huge number of storm clouds that were gathering on the horizon.

Speaking to FOX Weather, Patrick's partner Ruth Fussell said: “It was over 100 degrees that day on Sunday, but, Patrick and I dipped our feet in the water, and it was only 60 degrees.

“So Pat had explained to me about the Gulf Stream, but we had looked up in the sky and there was a big line of black clouds on the right-hand side, even though on the left-hand side of the sky was completely sunny.

"It was a dichotomy of opposites."

They decided to go back to their car, but the couple saw there was a group of children still on the beach.

The couple had been visiting the beach together when a storm suddenly overcame them. (Oliverie Funeral Home)
The couple had been visiting the beach together when a storm suddenly overcame them. (Oliverie Funeral Home)

Ruth revealed that they had been at the car when Patrick said he would run back to tell the children to leave as the storm was coming.

She said: “It looked like they were already packing it in and putting their backpacks on their backs.

“Patrick clicked on the truck remote and said, ‘OK, get in the car, get in the truck, and I’ll be right back. I’m just going to tell those kids to skedaddle'.”

Despite her telling him not to go, he was worried about the children and said he would be 'one minute — just one minute.'

But when she texted and called him on his phone from the car he didn't respond, and eventually she went looking for him.

Ruth found someone looking for help, and to her horror saw Patrick lying on the ground.

Despite efforts from bystanders and paramedics to save him, Patrick sadly died after being struck by lightning.

Patrick died while warning children to get off the beach as a storm was coming. (Oliverie Funeral Home)
Patrick died while warning children to get off the beach as a storm was coming. (Oliverie Funeral Home)

One of the children who he had gone to warn later reached out to Ruth, and revealed the last thing he had said to them.

Ruth said: “One of the kids actually reached out to me (Thursday). She said ‘I heard about what happened. I heard about Patrick, and I’m so sorry'."

The child revealed that the last thing Patrick had said after warning them off was to tell them: "Stay safe."

Ruth said: “Patrick is a valiant hero. He is well-loved and well known in the community for being selfless and always helping out for anything and everything … and he paid the ultimate price, unfortunately.”

A memorial for Patrick is scheduled to be held on Sunday.

Featured Image Credit: Oliverie Funeral Home

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