A TikToker police officer's advice about answering the door goes against what many of us believe we should do.
As a member of Gen Z, knocking on someone's door or ringing a bell simply doesn't exist in my life anymore. Why would I when I can text them that I'm outside?
And the idea of opening my front door if I'm not expecting anyone? Well, I'm filled with dread. However, a police officer has since revealed why it can be important to be more diligent about who's outside your door and consider opening it, particularly in the holiday season - don't tell me you didn't learn nothing from Home Alone.
Officer Arsenault took to his TikTok in a post last week, his video caption reading: "WARNING! Extremely important message. #onthisday."
In the clip, he says: "Somebody comes to your home during the day and knocks on the door, rings the doorbell and you don't answer because you don't want to be bothered - don't do that, okay?
Officer Arsenault's advice contradicts a lot of our beliefs (TikTok/ @officierarsenault) "Two minutes later, they're kicking your door in, it's a daytime break and enter."
Now. This clearly isn't always the case - depending on how many Harry and Marv type characters frequent your area - but if you are a bit nervous about the figure looming in the doorway? Well, there's a few things you can do, Officer Arsenault explains.
"Yell through, wave them off through the window, act like you're on your cellphone already," the officer advises.
He urges: "If they get inside your house, they panic expecting nobody to be there, bad things can happen. Be safe out there."
And it's not taken long for people to flood to the post to weigh in.
Many admitted they've always tended to do the opposite to the officer's advice.
One TikToker said: "I usually don't answer cuz I have anxiety .. now I have anxiety if I don't answer someone will come in .. thanks."
"Ugh this is an introverts worst fear. Having to interact with people when they don’t want to," another added.
A third admitted: "Oh damn I run and hide when someone rings the doorbell."
A fourth questioned: "How often has this happened? That we should have to pretend to be busy if someone knocks on the door during the day when people would knock on the door."
And a final suggested: "Or get a doorbell camera system?"