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Amazon employee given life-changing offer after Jeff Bezos responded to their email

Amazon employee given life-changing offer after Jeff Bezos responded to their email

Jeff Bezos' Amazon email has actually responded to some people and one interaction was not only life-changing but potentially life-saving

Turns out Jeff Bezos’ Amazon email is available on the internet and there’s been several instances where it's actually replied to people.

You’d think it would be pretty hard to get in touch with someone as high powered as Amazon chairman Jeff Bezos, but apparently his work email is just out there on the internet for all to see.

And not only that, but it’s not like most other high status celeb’s contact information - which if you ever do try and reach out the message just ends up in the world wide web abyss - because reports have come in that Bezos' email account actually responds. And one communication in particular proved life-changing - but also potentially life-saving - for someone who was actually one of Amazon’s employees.

A Reddit user called u/Upnorth4 took to thread r/AmazonFC to question whether anyone has ever ‘tried emailing [email protected] about anything’?

“And did they actually resolve you issue?” They continued.

And it didn’t take long for people to flood to the thread, with some pretty surprising and heart-warming answers about experiences they'd heard where people had emailed and received a response.

Jeff Bezos' Amazon email has actually responded to people in the past (Dave J Hogan/Dave J. Hogan/Getty Images)
Jeff Bezos' Amazon email has actually responded to people in the past (Dave J Hogan/Dave J. Hogan/Getty Images)

One user u/Teardrop_Alice revealed: “My roommate who is a packer emailed him cause of how unsafe the conveyors were at the time, like totes and random bolts falling on people. She got an email back from a lady high up saying she was going to bring it up with her center.

"A week later my roommate was asked to join the safety team and talk about her concerns."

And the instances don’t stop there either, another user u/Delta080 revealing a co-worker of his went on a leave of absence when his mom passed away.

"He kind of fell thru the cracks and was on leave for WAY longer than what is allowed,” the user continued. “Nobody ever followed up with him and it’s almost like he was just forgotten. When he decided he wanted to end his Leave Of Absence (LOA), HR tried telling him that he should’ve been told like a year earlier that he either needed to return from LOA or he would lose his job, and therefore they weren’t going to allow him to end his LOA and he was effectively being fired."

So, the employee emailed Jeff and ‘one of the staffers that monitors Jeff’s e-mail called him back and apologized for everything he went through with his mom and told him that he would get him back to work ASAP’.

And that's not all.

One Redditor said their friend received a massive show of support from 'Jeff's email' after taking leave after their mom passed away (John Keeble/Getty Images)
One Redditor said their friend received a massive show of support from 'Jeff's email' after taking leave after their mom passed away (John Keeble/Getty Images)

The user continued: "Within 15 minutes of that call ending HR called him and told him that he can return again to the same schedule he had prior to going on his LOA and to return on his next scheduled shift, and to please stop by HR when he returns so they can properly welcome him back and get him reacclimatized to everything.

"The GM was waiting for him at the HR desk to welcome him back that day and greeted him by ‘Mr Last Name, welcome back, please let me know if there is anything you need from me.’"

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Featured Image Credit: Phillip Faraone/Getty Images for WIRED25 / MARIO ARMAS/AFP via Getty Images

Topics: Amazon, Jeff Bezos, Reddit, Social Media, Viral