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NASA scientist claimed to find proof of ancient alien cities on the moon but was fired after refusing to destroy evidence

NASA scientist claimed to find proof of ancient alien cities on the moon but was fired after refusing to destroy evidence

A former worker at NASA believes that the agency has been hiding evidence of an ancient alien civilization from the general public

The moon remains a curious and fascinating place, even decades after man first stepped foot on it.

The Apollo program, which saw the United States aim to get men on the moon starting in 1961 and concluding in 1972, remains clouded in mystery for several reasons.

While most people agree that the program succeeded at its ambitions - landing groups of men on the moon six different times between 1968 and 1972 - some question the reports of what the men found when they got there.

While it’s hard to not slip into the world of conspiracy theories when discussing people’s beliefs regarding the Apollo program, it’s hard to discredit somebody who was a part of them when they unveil fascinating information.

Ken Johnston is a former Civilian Astronaut Consultant Pilot for NASA, being credited with training Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin, and Michael Collins, the former two being the first to walk on the lunar surface.

Following the three men’s trip to the moon, known by the masses as Apollo 11, Johnston was put in charge of all the data and photographs involved with the lunar missions NASA was conducting.

In the process, Johnston discovered photographs that displayed artifacts that he believes belonged to an ancient alien civilization on the moon.

Neil Armstrong on the moon's surface in 1969. (Heritage Space/Heritage Images via Getty Images)
Neil Armstrong on the moon's surface in 1969. (Heritage Space/Heritage Images via Getty Images)

The now-former NASA engineer discussed his discoveries with The New Indian Express, explaining that he was subsequently told to destroy the photos by a superior at NASA.

“I was put in charge of photographing and documenting their exact location. One day, my boss ordered me to destroy these images,” Ken explained.

“There were elements in the pictures that were unexplainable.”

Johnston has also said that he believes NASA has doctored the footage and photographs that were released to the public to hide what he believes are signs of extraterrestrial life on the moon.

“You can see the lunar anomalies too. It looks like something has been smudged out. Way before Photoshop, they would paint things out,” Ken alleged.

“Way before Photoshop, [NASA] would paint things out.”

Ken Johnston claims he was told to destroy the photos by a superior at NASA. (Heritage Space/Heritage Images via Getty Images)
Ken Johnston claims he was told to destroy the photos by a superior at NASA. (Heritage Space/Heritage Images via Getty Images)

Ken wrote about these photographs and his personal experiences in and outside of NASA in his book, Ken's Moon!: Revealing The "Dark Mission of NASA.

In it, Ken reveals the photos, many of which include the ruins of different structures that could potentially indicate some sort of lifeform had lived there many years ago.

Ken’s stance is far from widely accepted, and several of his other statements, such as his belief that President Eisenhower met with aliens in the 1950s, could easily be considered merely conspiracy theories.

However, many view him and his revelations as playing an instrumental role in finding out if alien life does or has ever lived among us in the universe.

Featured Image Credit: CNHI / Heritage Space/Heritage Images via Getty Images