September can only mean one thing, right? The month where our wallets feel a lot of pain as the latest products from Apple are released.
This year marks the latest generation of a device which changed the smartphone scene forever when it first rocked the world back in 2007.
The iPhone 15 has been described by experts as the 'biggest update to the device in three years', leaving tech junkies very excited.
Whether you are picking the phone up in the US or the UK, the features on offer to Apple users are basically universal.
From screen brightness to a new Action button, everyone across the world will be able to take advantage of what iPhone 15 has to offer.

And of course that means a USB-C charging point cable, with iPhones currently relying on a proprietary lightning cable, with most other devices - including others made by Apple - opting for a USB-C cable instead.
The new decision follows EU law which has declared that all portable devices need to be compatible with a universal charger by December 2024.
While that rule may have been enforced due to new restrictions, this particular feature involving the iPhone 15 lineup of phones is completely Apple's doing.
Something that hasn't been discussed at all in the buildup to the release of iPhone 15 on Friday (22 September) is the fact there is quite a big difference between the US and UK model.
For iPhone 15, Apple has made it possible to use eSIM in the US, though the feature is not possible on a UK model of the phone.
An eSIM allows you to load more than one mobile plan to your phone without the hassle of having to switch out your SIM card using that fiddly device included in the box.
That is because an eSIM is embedded directly into your device, allowing you to use two separate phone numbers at the same time.

It is particular useful for those who have a personal and a work number, meaning they do not need to have two separate devices.
Many have voiced the benefit of using an eSIM abroad too, as it apparently offers a data plane far more securely overseas.
eSIM was first introduced to US models of iPhone with the iPhone 14 last year, with rumors suggesting it was heading to the UK and other countries with the iPhone 15.
However, that is not the case, with UK peeps and other across the world having to wait at least another year for an eSIM feature.