For all you car junkies out there, one day you'll able to drive around your fancy Porsche running on air and water rather than gasoline.
While electric cars have been a thing for a few years now, the German manufacturer has come up with a new way to help the planet.
For the first time, Porsche has filled up its iconic 911 sports car with a new synthetic fuel created out of just thin air and water.
The new eFuel is developed by a company called Highly Innovative Fuels - a company that Porsche have made an investment in.
They house a wind-powered plant in Chile where the wind blows an average 270 days of the whole year.

So how exactly does just water and thin air power a car to move just like gasoline would?
Well, the new fuel combines carbon that is captured from the atmosphere (the thin air) alongside hydrogen sourced from water to create methane - this is then converted into fuel which works the same as gasoline.
In a press release, Michael Steiner, Porsche’s director of research and development said: "The potential of eFuels is huge. There are currently more than 1.3 billion vehicles with combustion engines worldwide.
"Many of these will be on the roads for decades to come, and eFuels offer the owners of existing cars a nearly carbon-neutral alternative.
"As the manufacturer of high-performance, efficient engines, Porsche has a wide range of know-how in the field of fuels."
Currently, the plant has an output of just over 34,000 gallons annually, but that will increase expodentially according to Porsche to over 145 million by later this decade.

However, it may be a while until this is on the market as Porsche will use it first in special projects.
Barbara Frenkel, Member of the Executive Board for Procurement at Porsche AG said: "Porsche is committed to a double-e path: e-mobility and eFuels as a complementary technology.
"Looking at the entire traffic sector, the industrial production of synthetic fuels should keep being pushed forward worldwide.
"With the eFuels pilot plant, Porsche is playing a leading role in this development."
And it seems other car manufacturers may be joining Porsche, with the CEO of Lamborghini Stephan Winkelmann saying his iconic car brand would be interested in this way to go greener.
He told Fox News: "This is something that we are still looking into, we have to see what the legislature is going to say in the next couple of years if there is an opportunity or a window open also for those types of cars with hybrids still in the 30s by utilizing synthetic fuel."
Topics: Cars