Credit where credit is due - a Flat Earther traveled as far as Antartica to try and prove to his followers that the world isn't round, but really proved that it is.
Jeran Campanella has explained the one thing that changed his mind after appearing in multiple documentaries claiming the Earth was flat.
He's got more than 164,000 followers on his YouTube account Jeranism, so you could say he's got a lot on the line.

Part of Flat Earth theory states that there couldn't possibly be a midnight sun in the southern hemisphere because if our planet was disc shaped, then it would be impossible for the sun to stay in the sky for 24 hours a day.
If the sun did stay in the sky for 24 hours, which we know it does in Antartica in the summer months, it would mean the Earth would have to be round.
Anyway, 'glober' - the term given by Flat Earthers to someone who understands Earth is round - Will Duffy offered the NASA critic the chance to fly to Antartica to prove that a 24-hour sun doesn't exist.
Campanella took him up on the all-expense paid $35,000 holiday.
Speaking on the YouTube channel The Final Experiment, the conspiracy theorist explains how he was flown out to the southernmost continent and told his fanbase the truth.
"Alright guys, sometimes you are wrong in life," says Campanella.
"I thought that there was no 24-hour sun, in fact I was pretty sure of it, but I respect Will Duffy for being a standup guy - at least in the way that he kept saying it was true, I kept saying it wasn't.
"He said 'you want to go, I'll take you' and brought me here... and it's a fact, the sun does circle you in the south so what does that mean you guys are going to have to figure that out yourself."

He continued: "Don't listen to my beliefs or my opinion, it shouldn't matter to you - but at least you should be able to accept that the sun does exactly what these guys said, as far as circles the southern continent.
"So that's about it, I realize that I'll be called a shill for just saying that and you know what, if you're a shill for being honest so be it - I honestly believed there was no 24-hour sun... I honestly now believe there is. That's it."
So what is a shill?
One user on The Flat Earth Society forum explained: "Well if you look at it from a FEer [flat earther] point of view, you are posing as an REer [round earther] to undermine the "truth" of a FE [flat earth] and trying to entice others to the RE [round earth] side. This would make you a shill.
"You know that the world is flat, yet you are trying to undermine that by calling the world round."
Well... fair play to Campanella!
Topics: Antarctica, Science, YouTube, NASA, Life, World News