Even when you see it for yourself, it's hard to believe that people actually go to space. I mean, wtf?
And while conspiracy nuts continue to argue that the Earth is flat and space travel is some big hoax, this footage would settle the 'debate' for most:
Randy Bresnik is a former marine who joined Nasa in 2004 and trained to become an astronaut.
Since then, he's gone on to make several trips into the great nothingness above us.
And during one particular mission to the International Space Station, Bresnik was able to capture incredible footage during a spacewalk.
A clip from the GoPro has since been widely shared on social media, with people blown away by the astronaut's perspective of Earth from way up in space.
In the video, Bresnik is seen carrying out what essentially amounts to hand transplant surgery on a robot arm.

With a great black void around him, way below you can see Earth beaming back up at him, ocean and land clearly visible.
Looking on in a separate clip, which was also filmed in October 2017, Bresnik said: "It's more gorgeous and heavenly than I saw when I was out here eight years ago. Good morning Egypt!"
Seconds later, fellow astronaut Vande Hei, who was making his first spacewalk at the time, exited the spacecraft.
"And Houston, that might have been one small step for a man, but one giant leap for Sabot," Bresnik says.
"Congratulations, my friend, on becoming the 221st human to exit in your own personal spacecraft into the void of space."

To which Vande Hei replied: "Appreciate those words. Happy to be doing this with you."
Reflecting on the trip and being able to enjoy such a unique perspective of Earth, Bresnik said: "Sometimes on a #spacewalk, you just have to take a moment to enjoy the beauty of our planet Earth.
"This Go-Pro footage is from our spacewalk where Joe Acaba and I refurbished the Canadarm2 robotic arm and the Dextre robotic arm extension."
Earlier this year, footage was livestreamed from another planet back to Earth for the first time.
To celebrate the 20th birthday of the European Space Agency’s (ESA) Mars Express, people were given as close to a live view from Mars as possible.
Pictures roughly every 50 seconds were beamed down directly from the Visual Monitoring Camera on board ESA’s long-surviving martian orbiter.
Topics: US News, International Space Station, NASA, Space, Technology, YouTube