The actor said the 'exaggerated' Indian accent used by the character would make people question her own voice
It changed The Simpsons forever and stirred up plenty of controversy - but it all happened because of a behind-the-scenes incident
Azaria, who voiced Kwik-E-Mart owner Apu from 1990 to 2017, has addressed the controversy once again in a new podcast
The voice actor has opened up little bit about the possible end to the show
It's not just another chaotic opening scene
An audio editor dug out a joke that audiences haven't been able to hear for 31 years
The yellow-skinned family didn't translate well to the real world
The joke was first made in a classic episode from 1996
It's another bizarre coincidence for the long-running series, with The Simpsons seemingly predicting the backlash over artwork.
Audiences are hitting back at the episode for its major plot hole
The Simpsons is bringing back someone from the very first season, and you'll probably recognise their accent
Is there anything they didn't see coming? Here are five technological advances the Simpson's accidentally predicated
Time for a trip to Springfield
AI has turned The Simpsons into a live-action 1980s sitcom.
It's from a clip more than two years ago and people reckon it's scarily similar to what happened in real life.
The legendary sitcom has 'predicted' loads of events in the past and fans thought they managed to foreshadow the terror attacks.
Hank Azaria revealed that Moe, the surly bartender from The Simpsons, actually has some serious celebrity inspiration behind him
The star voiced iconic characters like Troy McClure on the show
The Simpsons character contains a detail believed to be s like Matt Groening's initials.
It looks like America's most famous TV family might have done it again
The long-running animated sitcom is on the money once again
The Simpsons creator Matt Groening revealed why he decided to make characters in the popular cartoon yellow
There's a good reason why it looks so authentic