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Britney Spears admits fans' ‘suspicions that something’s going on’ are ‘right’

Britney Spears admits fans' ‘suspicions that something’s going on’ are ‘right’

Britney Spears shared a clip from her favorite movie alongside the cryptic post about her life

Britney Spears has admitted fans are '100 percent right' with their suspicions that 'something's going on' with the singer.

Spears' supporters regularly voice their concerns for the 41-year-old, with her unusual social media posts and cryptic captions often adding fuel to the fire.

Though Spears has turned comments off on Instagram, the singer is still aware of the reaction she gets from fans, so much so that she feels they 'kind of know' her.

Spears addressed the way fans are involved in her life in an Instagram caption last night (29 November), which accompanied a clip from the opening of the 1991 animated movie Beauty and the Beast.

In the clip, the handsome prince turns away an 'ugly' woman who comes to him for help. After realizing there is 'no love in his heart', the woman reveals herself as an enchantress, and turns the prince into the beast.

Explaining that Beauty and the Beast was her 'favorite movie', Spears pointed to its important message that 'looks are deceiving'.

Britney Spears fans regularly share concerns over the singer.

Alongside the video, she wrote: "I started writing my book [The Woman in Me] two years ago and in those moments in my personal life, I kept to myself !!! Not only was my personal life kept secret, but it felt equivalent to 20 years of hard times that I wrote about in my book !!!

"Can you imagine a 2007 that lasted for three years that nobody even knows about ??? It’s over now and I’m incredibly sad about those times !!!"

Spears went on to stress that she doesn't 'follow social media, the news, and the fan chatter', despite regularly posting on Instagram.

However, she's been paying more attention to the conversation around her recently, and admitted 'it’s weird cause it feels like a lot of fans already kind of know me'.

"They way they speak is incredibly kind," she continued, before revealing that fans had managed to make some correct assumptions about her life.

"They always a suspicion that something’s going on !!!! Well guess what Britney nerds … you were 100 percent right !!!," she wrote.

Britney Spears wrote a lengthy caption about her fans' suspicions.

However, Spears added that she doesn't 'have time to speak about any of it cause at this particular moment it’s beyond comprehension'.

"Here’s a clip of my favorite movie !!!! Looks are deceiving !!!," she continued.

"I’ve been turned down by so many and incredibly hurt by many. In a world where looks have always been important … where vanity lies … it’s the secret to steal a man’s heart !!!!

"The seductress poison is an allusion !! It’s always been !!! But in the wickedness of that illusion is where we play !!! May I play now ??? I found my poison daddy !!"

Since sharing the post about 'something going on', Spears has shared a number of other posts including a photo of her standing nude on a beach, and two videos of her dancing.

Featured Image Credit: britneyspears/Instagram

Topics: Britney Spears, Celebrity, Instagram, Music, Mental Health, Social Media