Topics: News, US News, Selena Gomez, Celebrity
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Topics: News, US News, Selena Gomez, Celebrity
An unusual picture of Emily Blunt and Selena Gomez at the 2023 American Film Institute Awards has got the internet talking.
The pair both had plenty of pictures from the major showbiz event, but one in particular caught the public eye for an unusual reason.
That's because rather than the usual red carpet photos that you might expect to come out of the Golden Globes, this one had the pair covering their faces for the camera.
After emerging online the strange picture got people speculating as to what on earth the two stars were actually doing when they covered their faces.
Because, there had to be a reason, right, unless of course they just did it for a laugh.
The image was re-posted to Gomez's Instagram page with the caption 'We shall not speak lol.'
Well, that definitely clears things up and doesn't make them even more intriguing.
But now the reason that the two stars took the strange photo has finally been clarified.
And it turns out that it's all down to what happened to each of the two stars while they attended the awards.
So, what exactly went down for each of them?
Well, for Gomez this is related to a conversation that she had with Taylor Swift while attending the Golden Globes.
A video shows her speaking to the musician, with the facial expressions of both indicating that some serious tea is being spilled.
People speculated that it could have been due to an incident in which Gomez had approached Timothée Chalamet to ask for a picture, only to be blocked by Kylie Jenner.
However, since then it has emerged that Gomez was not talking about that, with the former Disney Channel star clarifying: "I told Taylor about two of my friends who hooked up. Not that that’s anyone business."
But what about Emily Blunt?
The actor had attended the Golden Globes with her husband, star of The Office John Krasinski.
A video from the event shows the pair having a brief exchange before they enter the Golden Globes.
In the video, Krasinski says something to his wife, with fans online speculating that he had said 'I can’t wait to divorce.'
However, an insider later clarified that the pair are not considering any kind of split.
So, both stars had run ins in which lip reading had led to speculation about them at the Golden Globes. And covering your mouth is one way to make sure that no one can read your lips.
Mind = blown.