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Woman divides opinion after sharing 'chaotic' way she decided to quit jobWoman divides opinion after sharing 'chaotic' way she decided to quit job

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Woman divides opinion after sharing 'chaotic' way she decided to quit job

Viewers were stunned as the TikToker shared her increasingly 'chaotic' methods of quitting

A TikToker has divided opinion after sharing the 'chaotic' way she went about quitting one of her jobs.

I'm sure we've all thought about quitting our jobs at one time or another (although bosses, if you're reading this, I've been nothing but committed), but one person who has a lot of experience following through on those thoughts is TikToker Savannah Beneventi.

Savannah Beneventi has quit 'every job' she's ever had.

In a video which has since gone viral, Beneventi explained that she has a habit of quitting 'almost every single job' she's ever had over 'the most minor inconveniences'.

Beneventi gave a number of examples to back up her claim, with a caption explaining that each instance got 'more chaotic'.

There were actually so many examples that Beneventi split her video into multiple parts, but there was one method of quitting in particular that left viewers divided.

In her video, Beneventi claimed she had previously worked at Amazon - though she didn't specify exactly what her role was at the company.

Whatever it was, Beneventi claimed 'everyone watches you all the time', and eventually she got 'tired' of having the eyes on her.

Rather than handing in her notice and leaving straight away, Beneventi claimed she started to clock in at work, then proceeded to spend the next 10 hours in the break room.

"I did this for like a month until I got caught," she claimed.

Naturally her bosses wanted her to explain herself, but instead of coming up with a reason, Beneventi 'just quit'.

Beneventi's story sparked a lot of comments from viewers, with many criticising her approach to quitting and sympathising with the managers who would have had to deal with her.

"This is why I hate being a manager. Babysitting grown people is exhausting," one person wrote.

The woman decided to quit rather than explain herself.
Nathan Stirk/Getty Images

Another added: "It’s all fun and games in your 20’s until you have to answer for the resume in your 30’s. Good luck finding a grown up job one day when they see you couldn’t even be trusted with entry level positions."

One viewer had a slightly different reaction, asking: "How do you do nothing all day for a whole month? I would be so bored!"

However, other viewers revealed that they're on Beneventi's side.

"I do this thing too, usually around the 3-6month mark," one person wrote, while another claimed: "I use to do the same thing at Amazon but I would hide in the bathroom. can never work for them again they said."

As well as wiling away the hours in the break room, Beneventi claimed she'd also quit jobs by simply walking out and never coming back, and texting a boss to say the job 'wasn't going to work' before blocking her number.

I guess Beneventi wasn't lying when she said her departures were chaotic!

Featured Image Credit: TikTok/@highspeedfan

Topics: TikTok, Viral, Amazon, Life

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