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There’s a specific reason Gen Z always have their phones on ‘Do Not Disturb’

There’s a specific reason Gen Z always have their phones on ‘Do Not Disturb’

A lot of people related to the reason why

No one really likes calling someone they don't know out of the blue.

I still remember when my mom started insisting I made my own doctor and dentist appointments, and I'm sure everyone can relate to the wave of fear you feel while awaiting for someone to pick up at the other end.

In contrast, to this day if someone calls me on a number I don't have saved on my cell - I ain't answering.

But apparently some Gen Zers hate answering the phone so much they go to extreme lengths to make themselves unreachable.

Last month, journalist Max Burns shared his shock at learning that some of his Gen Z colleagues have their 'Do Not Disturb' on all the time.

He wrote on X: "TIL [today I learned] that some Gen Z kids keep their cell phones on Do Not Disturb 24/7, so they never have to face the anxiety of answering the phone."

For added context, Max shared with BuzzFeed: "I was having a conversation with two of my Gen Z coworkers about [Do Not Disturb], and they had both mentioned the anxiety of getting unexpected calls."

The setting is available on iPhone and Android devices and silences all calls and texts, as well any other alerts your device might get.

Apparently some Gen Zers always have their phones on ‘Do Not Disturb’.
RollingCamera/Getty Stock

It's marketed to be used while sleeping, driving, or focusing on things that need you undivided attention - but people have since admitted to using it 24/7.

Replying to Max's now-deleted tweet, one person said: "I do not even know what my phone notification or call sounds like."

But apparently Gen Zers aren't alone in having 'Do Not Disturb' on constantly.

"Almost everyone I know (primarily millennials) has their phone on silent plus do not disturb on - I don’t think it’s a gen z thing I think it’s overall anxiety of being plugged in 24/7," someone wrote.

Apparently having 'Do Not Disturb' on 24/7 isn't uncommon.

Agreeing, another said: "I'll be 32 in 3 weeks. My notifications are turned off for most apps, but especially texts, Twitter, and IG. I can't even see that I got a new text unless I open the text app. I have an Apple watch and only use it for working out. My phone is on silent Mon-Friday."

"Not Gen Z, but X. My phone is always on DND with a whitelist. I don’t have time to deal with that crap," someone else shared. "You’re whitelisted if I want to talk to you. Otherwise text or leave a message. Don’t email me either, unless it’s a contract."

Another person said that the have the setting on all the time simply because they 'don't want to be f**king bothered'.

Fair enough.

Featured Image Credit: Getty Stock Images

Topics: Social Media, Technology, iPhone, Phones