The class has become the subject of rumours and horror stories
Nicholas Irving had 33 confirmed kills while working as a sniper
Zak Poirier was determined to dance with his mum after she was diagnosed with the disease
She says she keeps getting more so her record won't be beaten
The unusual tattoo actually works at the checkout
Marvin Alvin Clark went missing in 1926
The food has been designed to fit in with the theme of its surroundings
TikTok user @aydan_jane says that she showers less than once a week, claiming it's good for the environment
The Egyptian pyramids in Giza aren't as far away from civilization as you might think.
He grew 12 inches hair over two and a half years for the special gesture.
Newly released footage shows one man's close encounter with a breaching whale.
James Doyle's catchphrase 'Protein Bor' has taken over the internet in recent times, and the Irishman is as surprised as anyone
Emmanuel the Emu has become an unlikely TikTok sensation to rival Binley Mega Chippy
Some people say they 'wouldn't let that slide' while others thought it was a harmless gesture
"It turns out this is a pretty common problem with this particular car"
The photographer caught a dramatic weather event that left social media buzzing.
A ghost's testimony was once successfully used to convict a murderer.
The Melbourne woman wants to warn others it could happen to them
Joe has tried cooking everything from noodles to steak
Rich Gilson was renovating his home when he made the discovery
Alena Analeigh has already completed more than two years' worth of university in just 12 months