Well, I guess archeologists have a lot to answer for after a TikToker has claimed to have 'proven' a conspiracy theory on the ancient pyramids.
The Egyptian pyramids are absolutely fascinating, you can’t deny it. As a child you were likely interested in space books, dinosaur books or ancient Egypt books. Those are the rules, I'm afraid.
For years, the ancient structures have baffled scientists, archeologist and historians regarding how they were built due to their complexity and intricacies.
How would a society that was widely known to be primitive, by comparison with our modern technological advancements, be able to complete such an impressive feat?

Well, alleged 'proof' has been uncovered through a simple demonstration by a didgeridoo player who proved that rocks can be moved with sound... You can see where he is going with this.
The theory comes from a TikTok video posted by @taistar42, also known as the Didgeridoo Dude, and we can hope he isn’t entirely serious with his suggestion.
In his initial clip, captioned 'Pyramids were built with sound', the TikToker uses his instrument to pick up what looked to be a plastic bag and move it through the air.
In the comment section one person questioned if Didgeridoo Dude could do it with a rock instead.
In a follow up, the TikToker showed himself picking up a scrap of foil, but by the end of the video opened it up to reveal there was a small rock inside of it, checkmate sheeple.

The video shows the process of acoustic levitation, which relies on sound waves to hold objects in the air. Sound waves are usually too small to feel, but they can carry force - that's why, for example, the high amplitude sound wave of an explosion can knock people nearby off their feet.
As you can imagine, not everyone was convinced by the man's 'proof' because the rocks used to the pyramids were pretty heavy, so it would have required quite the sound force to get them off the ground in the ways needed for construction.
So, unless you believe the ancient Egyptians had one hell of a digeridoo player at their disposal, with an impressive set of lungs, this conspiracy theory is likely a load of digeridoo-doo.
It's definitely more plausible that Egyptians used a sloping ramp to haul rocks up to build the impressive structures, but do we know for absolutely sure? I'm afraid we didgeri-don't.
Topics: Conspiracy Theories, TikTok, Weird