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Man could have explained déjà vu after sharing bizarre theory about the afterlife

Man could have explained déjà vu after sharing bizarre theory about the afterlife

Brandon Monhollen took to TikTok explaining it may have something to do with dying

We've all experienced déjà vu, but what exactly is it?

You may be talking to someone when all of a sudden it hits you, it feels like a 'glitch in the Matrix' as there is really no explanation for it... although one man has shared his bizarre theory on what he thinks occurs.

Before we get into that, I'll quickly run us through it.

According to the Cleveland Clinic, roughly 97 percent of people have experienced the phenomenon at least once in their life. Déjà vu derives from French and it translates to 'already seen'.

The medical center explains how it is a 'transitory sensation of having already lived a totally identical situation at some point in the past'.

Neurologist Jean Khoury explains: “Déjà vu is a false sense of familiarity. Your brain creates a sensation as if you have lived a certain situation before, but you’re unable to retrieve it from your memory and cannot identify the actual situation.

“There’s usually an incongruence between the sense of familiarity and the fact that the situation should not feel familiar.

Brandon Monhollen shared a thought provoking theory on why we experience déjà vu (TikTok/@brandonmonhollen)
Brandon Monhollen shared a thought provoking theory on why we experience déjà vu (TikTok/@brandonmonhollen)

“Déjà vu is caused by dysfunctional connections between the parts of your brain that play a role in memory recollection and familiarity."

There are four main causes that make you more susceptible to experience the phenomenon.

In no order, they are: if you travel frequently, if you possess the ability to remember your dreams, have a high level of education, and bizarrely if you hold liberal beliefs - according to the clinic.

Now we know exactly what déjà vu is, why it occurs and what causes it to, let's get into Brandon Monhollen's theory of why it happens.

Taking to TikTok, he said: "What's a conspiracy theory that absolutely blows your mind?

"I'm not exactly sure if this is a conspiracy theory but, I read this about six months ago.

Do babies cry when their born because they remember how they died in a past life? (Getty stock)
Do babies cry when their born because they remember how they died in a past life? (Getty stock)

"What if when we die, the light at the end of the tunnel is the light to another hospital. There we are born, and the only reason you come out crying is because you remember everything from your past life and you're crying at the fact that you died and lost everything.

"As you grow and start to forget your past life, and you focus on the life that you have now, patches of memory stay behind and that memory causes déjà vu."

Now that just sounds pretty messed up, I hope to God Monhollen isn't true with that... although if he is correct, at least we get to just keep living after we die.

Featured Image Credit: TikTok/@brandonmonhollen / Yuri_Arcurs/Getty Images

Topics: Science, TikTok, Viral, Weird, Conspiracy Theories