Move over short kings and queens, your crowns have been stolen by those with, well, double crowns.
A double crown (hair whorl) is the technical name for really f**king hard to cut hair.
Still, it looks great and only five percent of the population have it, so it's definitely something to chuck on your Tinder profile.

Okay, let's start by explaining what a crown, or hair whorl, actually is.
So, a 'whorl', despite sounding like Gru from Despicable Me is having a great time, is actually the central patch on your scalp where hair grows, typically in a clockwise direction.
Those with double crowns have two different places where hair grows; it can grow in the same direction, or one can grow clockwise and the other counter clockwise.
Right, now we know what a double whorl is, who's more likely to have one?
Well, a report from the University of Delaware said that our genes actually have a pretty big part to play. If one of your parents has a double crown, then you'll be more likely to have one.
It's also been suggested that having a double crown could be a sign of baldness or alopecia, but there's no proof that the two are related.
Still, the rare feature can make it hard to style hair, and those with double crowns have taken to Twitter to share their experience.
One user wrote: "After fighting with my double crown for the last 20 minutes, I've come to learn that what goes on at the back of my head is actually not any of my business."
While another embraced it: "Having a double crown means my hair has an unfortunate habit of being uncontrollable style wise. Today it's decided to fall into a spiky anime style that no amount of brushing can get rid of..."
Others found out that a double crown came with double the perks, mainly how you part your hair: "Discovered this cool thing today that I can part my hair on either side bc I apparently have a double crown, so yeah, fun facts."
A fourth wasn't so happy with how the trait left their hair looking, saying: "No wonder my hair never lay flat look at that double crown it looks like the sky in starry night."
We'd argue that's still a masterpiece and, honestly, double crowns look way cooler than boring regular crowns.
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