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Man captures ‘glitch in the matrix’ in shop window that has people baffled

Man captures ‘glitch in the matrix’ in shop window that has people baffled

Some of the theories are wild but no one can say for sure where the car is

Has this guy stumbled upon a 'glitch in the matrix'? Are we living in a simulation? Is this real life?

Almost a decade on from THAT black and blue dress, is this the next viral phenomenal to come across our screens? Some think it could be.

While out at a shopping precinct, a Californian man stumbled upon what he has described as a 'glitch in the matrix' after seeing what he called an orange Corvette C8 in the reflection of a takeout's window.

The strange thing is, he was unable to spot the same car in the parking lot.

TikTok creator Eddie caused the stir when he noticed the flashy car in the window of Boston House of Pizza's Fresno branch, a large city in the San Joaquin Valley, but couldn't see it in person.

Users were puzzled and theories thrown about online, including one person who joked that it was the silver Impala's reflection - the car directly opposite the window.

So, what is a glitch in the matrix?

Glitches are events that can only really make sense if you accept the notion that our current reality is actually a kind of simulation, you know, like in the film The Matrix.

The orange Corvette C8 is nowhere to be seen in the car park. (TikTok/breaknpop)
The orange Corvette C8 is nowhere to be seen in the car park. (TikTok/breaknpop)

Similar to computer games with objects vanishing and reappearing, and sometimes never appearing again - you get the point.

Speaking in the video, Eddie said: "Okay, where is this car that's reflecting on this Boston Pizza window? It's a Corvette C8. I seriously don't see that car anywhere.

"Where's that car? What? Where, where is that car? Hello, where's that car? Where is this car?"

The recording, which was only uploaded earlier this month, has certainly caught viewers' attention and has been played more than 2.5 million times.

The theories rolled in: 'the car is in the store', 'you're in it', 'we’re in the Matrix for sureeee', 'you are in it', 'crazy and a parallel universe of cars probably right there'.

Eddie goes over to the shop in a second video to show users there is no car inside. (TikTok/breaknpop)
Eddie goes over to the shop in a second video to show users there is no car inside. (TikTok/breaknpop)

But it wasn't just the Corvette that confused people.

One person said: "No one gonna say anything about the mannequins sitting on the bench."

While another question why there was a sign for birds, they commented: "Nah, the real question is why is there a sign that says "BIRD BATH" ad [sic] if birds can read the sign."

However, upon close review, I myself agree with the theory that it is parked in front of the black SUV. If you look closely you can see a car roof... although, we'd have to have been there ourselves to know for sure.

Featured Image Credit: TikTok/breaknpop

Topics: Viral, California, TikTok, Gaming