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Woman discovers dark secret about who her father really is after taking DNA test 'for fun'

Woman discovers dark secret about who her father really is after taking DNA test 'for fun'

The woman said she was unsure how to approach the 'surreal' situation

A woman who decided to do a DNA test with her dad has uncovered a dark secret about her family - and she's been left unsure of how to approach them about it.

Taking to Reddit four years ago, she said that she still lived with her dad after her mother's passing due to medical issues, and that the two were 'very close'.

And she said she is also 'relatively close' with her uncle and his family, who lived an hour away from them.

One day, she says, her dad got a birthday gift from his friends - which was a DNA test.

So, the pair decided to make it a bonding experience and 'compare our results and other stuff included in the package'.

The woman could never have expected the dark secret. (Getty Stock Photo)
The woman could never have expected the dark secret. (Getty Stock Photo)

She added: "We got our results back yesterday so we logged on to see our percentages, etc. It was quite interesting to see the breakdowns of our ancestry plus traits we had.

"Then we went to the DNA relative finder. This is where everything started going downhill."

According to the relative finder, it listed her dad as her 'uncle', while her uncle was listed as her father.

It also listed her male cousins as her 'half-brothers'.

This discovery then led to a frantic search, as she said: "My dad and I started looking up if this was normal, if errors occur in their database, and we are now pretty sure that the probability of my "uncle" being my biological father is pretty high.

The woman uncovered a dark secret. (Getty Stock Photo)
The woman uncovered a dark secret. (Getty Stock Photo)

"I don't know what to do about this. I never dreamed this would happen as I look so much like my father (though that means I look a lot like my uncle too)."

Both she and her dad have attempted to contact her uncle about the discovery, but she says they 'weren't able to reach him'.

"I am not sure if he's already gotten a message on his end that I am his daughter." she said.

Ending her post by asking for advice, the woman concluded: "My dad is devastated and after calling my uncle yesterday, he's been in his room and crying a lot. We haven't spoken since.

"I feel really bad for him as he really loved my mother a lot and always told me about her. How should I approach my dad on this subject? My uncle?

"I am also not sure if I should approach my cousins on this."

And other Reddit users soon took the comments to share their thoughts.

One person said: "Tell your dad that he is your dad no matter what and you don’t care what the test says! Tell him that you love him and you’re here for him; that he doesn’t have to go through this alone."

While another said: "Ensure to him that you are HIS daughter. no matter what the tests say, stick by his side and show him that you love him and see him as your father."

Amidst the comments, the woman responded by saying that he will always be her dad 'though the test suggests otherwise', and added that they still had a 'good relationship' despite the 'surreal' situation.

Featured Image Credit: Getty Stock Images

Topics: Reddit, Sex and Relationships