Chris Hemsworth has weighed in on actors who slate Marvel movies after starring in the superhero films themselves.
The Thor: Love and Thunder star has spoken out in support of Marvel Studios Films, responding to other actors who've featured in the movies but have gone on to slate the superhero films.
Several stars of Marvel movies have come forward in recent years to share negative thoughts about the studios' films.
Anthony Hopkins - who starred alongside Hemsworth in several of the Thor movies - told the New Yorker: "They put me in armour; they shoved a beard on me. Sit on the throne, shout a bit.
"If you’re sitting in front of a green screen, it’s pointless acting it."
Reflecting on his role in 2003's Daredevil, Ben Affleck said to Playboy, as quoted by E! Online, it's the 'only movie' he 'actually' regrets, saying while he 'love[d] that story, that character', it 'got f**ked up'.
"That was before people realised you could make these movies and make them well," he added.

Legendary directors such as Martin Scorsese and Francis Ford Coppola have also dismissed Marvel films, with Scorsese slamming them to the New York Times as not being 'cinema' because 'nothing is at risk' and Coppola simply calling them 'despicable'.
Hemsworth has since weighed in on the discourse.
In an interview with The Times - shared on 12 May 2024 - Hemsworth gave his thoughts particularly on Scorsese and Coppola's dismissal of Marvel movies, but his comments also apply to actors too.
The actor - who has starred in eight movies Marvel films - said some performers immediately want to be 'put in' a Marvel movie when films are 'successful' but as soon as theirs don't 'work' as well, they 'bash them'.

He continued: "It felt harsh. And it bothers me, especially from heroes. It was an eye-roll for me, people bashing the superhero space. Those guys had films that didn’t work too - we all have.
"When they talked about what was wrong with superheroes, I thought, cool, tell that to the billions who watch them. Were they all wrong?"
"And cinema-going did not change because of superheroes, but because of smartphones and social media," he continued.
"Superhero films actually kept people in the cinemas during that transition and now people are coming back. So they deserve a little more appreciation."

Hemsworth's attitude stems from him starting his career in soap operas, he says, when it 'used to bother [him] when actors would talk about the show with guilt or shame'.
The actor resolved: "Humility goes a long way. One of the older actors on Home and Away said, ‘We don’t get paid to make the good lines sound good, but to make the bad ones work.’
"That stuck with me."
Topics: Celebrity, Chris Hemsworth, Film and TV, Marvel, Ben Affleck, Martin Scorsese