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People are saying 'painful' film is 'the most disturbing they've ever watched'

People are saying 'painful' film is 'the most disturbing they've ever watched'

The movie directed by Mel Gibson also sparked debate among viewers

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'Disturbing' and 'awesome' aren't usually two words that would go together, but that's exactly how one particular movie has been described by its viewers.

The first word alone is enough to tell you that this isn't a feel-good flick - Netflix has a whole section dedicated to 'family friendly' movies if that's what you're after - but viewers are still insisting it's worth a watch.

Released in 2004 and directed by Mel Gibson, the film takes us centuries back in time to the era thought to be inhabited by Jesus Christ himself.

Jim Caviezel stars as the son of God, but rather than wowing viewers by turning water into wine and feeding thousand of people with a couple of fish, the movie instead focuses on Jesus' final hours before his crucifixion.

Highlighting just how brutal the Middle Ages could be, viewers watch as Jesus is put on trial and ultimately condemned to die.

Fans of the film have shared their shock after watching the events unfold, with one viewer taking to LADbible's Netflix Bangers Facebook page to describe the film as 'the most disturbing' they've ever watched.

Viewers were left shocked by the movie. (Newmarket Films)
Viewers were left shocked by the movie. (Newmarket Films)

Another agreed, writing: "It was painful to watch."

While a third user went for more positive language when describing the film, dubbing it 'awesome'.

Titled The Passion of the Christ, the movie has sparked debate between those who believe it offers a truthful and 'real' depiction of what Jesus went through before being crucified.

However, other viewers noted that for many people the Bible - and therefore the story which inspired The Passion of the Christ - is a book of 'fiction'.

While the topic of the movie might not be for everyone, Gibson has previously spoken about why he decided to take it on.

Mel Gibson directed the 2004 movie. (Rodin Eckenroth/WireImage)
Mel Gibson directed the 2004 movie. (Rodin Eckenroth/WireImage)

Speaking to Worship Leader, the actor explained he felt a pull to create the film, saying: "I just had to do it. It wasn’t something that I had a choice about. A lot of things came together to have me do the film, and I resisted it for quite some time.

"…Then there were all of these weird things that happened, I mean really weird things that convinced me, that I didn’t have a choice."

The Passion of the Christ has received middling reviews of 49 percent from critics on Rotten Tomatoes, but general viewers were much more positive about the movie as they scored it 80 percent.

The Passion of the Christ is available to watch on various streaming services including Prime Video.

Featured Image Credit: Newmarket Films

Topics: Religion, History, Film and TV