A doctor has revealed the scary reason why you should never go for long periods without having sex.
According to some new research, released by NapLab, the average American only has sex once per week.
As per one expert, it could majorly impact your life if you’re not getting down and dirty enough.
While you might be sceptical about why it would matter what you’re doing with your ugly bits, there’s a lot more to it.
In fact, not only is it physically damaging, but it’s also mentally damaging to abstain from sex.

The leading psychologist revealed that celibacy leads to the risk of depression, anxiety, and irritable moods.
Sexual health specialist and psychiatrist Dr Sham Singh said: “Suppressing sexual urges without alternative stress-relieving outlets can build up frustration and also aggravate anxiety or irritability.
“Sexual activity may help in alleviating stress through the release of endorphins and oxytocin.”
But is there science to back up his claims?
Of course.
According to a 2021 study which looked at 4000 people’s sex lives, those who reported having more sex during the COVID-19 pandemic were less anxious than those who did not have sex at all.
This could come down to endorphins, the chemicals released by the brain which alleviate pain and stress.
During sexual intercourse, endorphins increase by 200 per cent.
However, there are risks to your physical health too if you decide to go long periods of time without sex.
The doctor explained: £In both men and women, the absence of sex release may result in a heightened level of restlessness or tension that may find its way into physical manifestations like muscle tightness, trouble concentrating, or hypersensitivity to touch.”
“Long-term abstinence from sexual activity can have different effects on people's energy levels, appetite, and sleep concerning hormonal changes in testosterone and estrogen and the stress hormone cortisol,” he said.
“Some people may feel more fatigued due to sex being a good way to relax and sleep better, for example, through the release of oxytocin.”
If you thought that less sex was a problem in only the older generation, you’d be very wrong.
In fact, a UK study on the sex lives of people aged 18- over 75 found that a lot of people are not active.
One in five people over 18 don’t have sex at all.
In the 18-24 age group for me, 58 per cent admitted to being active in the last three weeks, while 68 per cent of women said the same thing.
In the 25-29 group, it didn’t increase much for men as 61 per cent shared that they are having sex, while 77 per cent of women agreed.
In the 75+ men and women group, 49 per cent of men were still active, while 21 per cent of women were.
So, not many people are taking up an interest in regular romps.
A 2023 review of 43 studies, found that women between the ages of 20 and 59 who had sex less than once a week were 70 per cent more likely to die within the next five years.
There was no increased death risk to those who had sex once a week and more.
Topics: Health, Science, Sex and Relationships, Sleep, Psychology