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Man breaks down data of how 'rare' it is to find a partner with 6-6-6 dating rule

Man breaks down data of how 'rare' it is to find a partner with 6-6-6 dating rule

The 'rule' typically sees a woman looking for a specific type of man that fits the 6-6-6 trend

A man has broken down data about how 'rare' it is to find a partner using the '6-6-6' dating rule.

If you've ever sang along to the Megan Boni and David Guetta song, Man in Finance, then you might already have an idea about what the dating trend is.

One man has spoken about the 6-6-6 dating rule (Getty Stock Photo)
One man has spoken about the 6-6-6 dating rule (Getty Stock Photo)

The 6-6-6 dating rule

Essentially, the 'rule' sees a woman looking for a specific type of man that fits the 6-6-6 trend.

A 6-6-6 is basically a partner who is six-foot tall, has a six-figure income and has six-pack abs.

Although, you may have seen another variation of the rule that swaps a six pack with a six-inch penis, instead.

After doing the rounds on social media, it's certainly received a divided response online, although, you may be surprised to learn that many women back it.

For example, one woman from New York told The Post: "Money's nice. A private jet sweetens the deal."

The rule includes a six figure salary, too (Getty Stock Photo)
The rule includes a six figure salary, too (Getty Stock Photo)

Responding to the trend going viral, one person has broken down some data about how it's actually really 'rare' to come across a partner who would fit this criteria.

Over on the data site, Diving In The Shallow End, one man explained that in the US, 75 percent of men aged between 20 and 30 are less than six foot.

Meanwhile, having a six-inch penis is actually, even more uncommon.

"A 6" wiener is even rarer than being 6' tall. The average erect penis length is 5.166" with a std dev of 0.654"," he said.

"Do the math, carry the 1, and a 6" pecker puts you right at the 90th percentile for an Exclusivity Score of 10%."

He explained that in a room of 100 men, 90 of them had been removed based on penis size alone.

"The 10 guys left are the cream of the crop," he added.

But, what are the odds that all 10 are six foot, too?

It's actually pretty rare (Getty Stock Photo)
It's actually pretty rare (Getty Stock Photo)

"To combine the odds of two independent actions, you just multiply them," he said.

"In a room full of 100 random guys, you may find two or three that can meet our criteria so far."

The man then calculated the percentage of men with six figure salaries, finding an exclusivity score of 17 percent.

He then used this to work out the likelihood that any of the men who were at least six foot *and* had a six-inch penis also had a six-figure income.

Turns out the chance of this is a tiny 0.425 percent.

"In a gaggle of 100 suitors, it's actually unlikely that a single one will meet all three criteria. Perfection," he said.

"We now have a truly unreasonable set of standards by which to choose our dating partner."

Featured Image Credit: Getty Stock Images

Topics: Sex and Relationships, US News