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Widow reveals haunting final words from husband who was electrocuted in jacuzzi at Mexico holiday resort

Widow reveals haunting final words from husband who was electrocuted in jacuzzi at Mexico holiday resort

The Texan died while on holiday and the last thing he said was hair-raising

The widow of a man who died on holiday in Mexico after he was electrocuted in a jacuzzi has revealed his haunting final words.

Just 10 days ago, Jorge Guillen, of El Paso, Texas, was killed while enjoying a dip in a hot tub.

Bystanders attempted to rescue him, but due to the power of the electric charge he'd been exposed to in the hot tub, they were unable to.

Jorge Guillen and Lizzette Zambrano. (GoFundMe)
Jorge Guillen and Lizzette Zambrano. (GoFundMe)

Now, the 43-year-old's wife, Lizzette Zambrano, has sued two Arizona-based companies for $1 million; vacation rentals and property management company Casago International and travel company High Desert Travel, as well as the Sonoran Sea Resort in Puerto Peñasco - an hour's drive from the state of Arizona.

The legal documents state: "Immediately upon entrance into the jacuzzi, Jorge was exposed to an electrical current in the water.

"Jorge immediately keeled over into the tub and was taken under the surface of the water."

The lawsuit alleges that the 35-year-old was lounging on the pool deck when she heard the commotion and went over to help her husband, but upon touching Guillen and the water, she too was electrically shocked and also fell in.

It also claimed that Guillen was left to drown in the jacuzzi and was shocked for 10 minutes before resort staff hit the emergency stop button.

While rescuers were unable to save him, they did manage to save Zambrano, who was pulled from the water without a pulse and taken to a nearby hospital - where she overheard something no one wants to hear.

A GoFundMe has been set up for the couple. (Sylvia Sundermann/Facebook)
A GoFundMe has been set up for the couple. (Sylvia Sundermann/Facebook)

Speaking in an exclusive interview with ABC News about the nurses, Zambrano said: "I could hear them and one of them said 'her husband didn't make it'."

The heart-wrenching interview continued as she revealed what her husband said in his final words: "The last thing I remember him saying is 'oh ****' and it's the same time that I felt the first electric shock and then it happened over, and over, and over. I didn't hear him again."

A GoFundMe has since been set up to support Guillen and Zambrano family, as well as pay for the cost to bring Jorge's body home to be laid to rest and for Lizette's medical bills.

The page creator penned for the fundraiser bio: "Our best friends have experienced a horrible accident. Jorge had a heart of gold and was always there for family and friends. The love they shared was one for ages.

"We are asking for your help to bring him home & help with medical expenses for her."

Featured Image Credit: GMA/Facebook

Topics: Mexico, GoFundMe