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The Rock responds to botched wax figure and says 'important details' need to be changed

The Rock responds to botched wax figure and says 'important details' need to be changed

Is that supposed to be The Rock?!

Dwayne Johnson has responded to a botched waxwork sculpture of him, which was made for a museum in Paris.

Fans of the WWE icon and Hollywood star were horrified when they saw the waxwork of The Rock.

The figure is at the Grevin Museum in Paris, and it's fair to say that it bears, at best, a passing resemblance to the Hollywood star.

And by that, I mean it's a muscly bald man, and that's more or less where the similarity ends.

But one big problem with the sculpture is that it was significantly paler than The Rock.

Dwayne Johnson's mom is Samoan, while his dad, Nova Scotian wrestler Rocky Johnson, was Black. The Rock's heritage is something he has spoken about frequently, saying he is 'equally proud' of both his Samoan and Black ancestry.

So changing the skin tone on The Rock's wax work to being extremely pale could be seen as white-washing this heritage.

The Hollywood star responded to the wax work by posting a video by James Andre Jefferson Jr roasting the figure.

The Rock has responded to the wax work.
Arturo Holmes/Getty Images

He clarified that he would be giving the museum a call to try to ensure that a replacement wax work was more accurate.

He wrote: “Knew my boy James Andre Jefferson Jr. had this Rock wax statue in his roasting crosshairs,” Johnson wrote in the caption of the video. “For the record, I’m going to have my team reach out to our friends at Grevin Museum in Paris France so we can work at ‘updating’ my wax figure here with some important details and improvements — starting with my skin color."

He added: "And next time I’m in Paris, I’ll stop in and have a drink with myself.”

The video by Jefferson Jr starts with him saying: “You know Black ass Samoan The Rock? That’s how Paris thinks he looks."

The wax work which is, apparently, of The Rock.
Marc Piasecki/Getty Images

He continued: “They turned The Rock into a pebble!… it looks like The Rock has never seen the sun a day in his life… You make the rock look like he David Beckham. It looks like The Rock is going to be a part of the royal family. Did y’all even Google him?”

Many fans of The Rock were left aghast by the wax figure.

One person said: “Who is this because uhhhh… You do know he’s Samoan and Black right lol?”

Another wrote: "They made The Rock look more like The Sourdough Loaf."

A third posted: "They had you looking like a mix between Mr. Clean & Detective Stabler."

Featured Image Credit: Instagram/therock / Marc Piasecki/Getty Images

Topics: Celebrity, Dwayne Johnson, News, US News, Weird