A cardiologist has lifted the lid on the five common habits people do every day which could be harming their heart.
Keeping our precious tickers healthy should be the utmost priority for all of us, particularly as cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death in the US, according to the CDC, where one person dies every 33 seconds.
There's plenty of expert advice out there on what you can do to help prevent the risk of heart disease, from watching certain types of food to how many steps you should be taking a day.

Now, a leading doctor and consultant cardiologist from the UK has revealed many of us are unknowingly engaging in habits that jeopardize our heart health every day.
Doctor Christopher Broyd, from Nuffied Health Brighton Hospital, says these simple daily factors can be more significant on the heart than you would think, The Independent reports.
And here are his top five heart health tips.

Prioritise sleep
We all know banking eight hours of shut eye a night is beneficial for our health and our mood going into the next day. But aside from feeling lethargic and grumpy, the doc warns a lack of good-quality sleep can put strain on the heart.
He said: "Lack of sleep or poor-quality sleep can increase blood pressure, contribute to obesity, and disrupt the body’s natural repair processes.
"Sleep disorders like sleep apnoea can also significantly affect heart health."
To support a better night's sleep, the cardiologist says its important to enforce a bedtime routine and steer clear from too much caffeine, nicotine and/or alcohol which can disrupt the sleep cycle.
"Go to bed and wake up at the same time every day, even on weekends,” he advised. “This helps regulate your body’s internal clock and promotes a more consistent sleep pattern.
"Engage in calming activities before bed, such as reading and avoid stimulating activities like watching intense TV shows.”

Physical exercise
Dr Broyd said regular exercise is 'crucial for heart health' and warns against a sedentary lifestyle as this can 'lead to weight gain, high cholesterol, and increased blood pressure, all of which increases your risk for cardiovascular disease.'
However, it doesn't mean you need to be hitting some major sessions at the gym as improving fitness and stamina starts with small steps, the doc continued, such as walking or other 'short bursts of activity'.
But his top tip is to choose a physical activity you enjoy as you're more likely to stay motivated and stick at it, as he added: "Try to pick a time of day that works best for you and stick to it, whether it’s in the morning, during lunch breaks, or in the evening."

Stress is another major factor, not only impacting our mental health but our physical health, too. Demanding jobs, family issues or other major life events like a divorce or having a baby can contribute towards chronic stress which has a knock-on effect on the heart.
The doctor explained: "Prolonged stress can negatively affect the heart by raising blood pressure and increasing the risk of heart attack or stroke.
"Chronic job stress can elevate blood pressure, lead to poor eating habits, and disrupt sleep, all of which can harm heart health over time," he added.
It also increases our reliance on unhealthy coping mechanisms, such as overeating, drinking alcohol or smoking.
When it comes to de-stressing, Dr Broyd said regular physical activity comes to the rescue yet again as it helps 'release built-up tension and improve mood by boosting endorphins' but also mindfulness practices like meditation can 'calm the mind' and similarly kick stress to the curb.

Chase the sunlight
Vitamin D deficiency not only causes issues with your bones and muscles, but has also been linked to inflammation and higher blood pressure - and an increased risk of heart disease in turn, the doc warns.
While it's difficult to bask in much sunlight during the dark and cold winter months, Dr Broyd advises 'safe sun exposure', supplements or even lunch breaks outside can help.
“If you’re working or studying indoors, take short breaks to step outside and soak up some sun,” he said.
“Aim to get outside for at least 15-30 minutes each day, especially in the morning when the sun is less harsh."

Perhaps surprisingly, social isolation can harm our heart health.
The doctor further explains this is because feeling lonely triggers stress, raises blood pressure and adversely affects immune function - all of which can led to heart issues down the line.
He continued: "Being socially isolated or feeling lonely can increase your risk of heart disease.
"Improving social isolation takes time and effort, but by making intentional efforts to connect with others and build relationships, you can enhance your social support network and overall wellbeing and ultimately improve your heart health."
Topics: Health, Sleep, Mental Health, Fitness, UK News, US News, Alcohol, Food and Drink, Sex and Relationships