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Doctors surprised man was alive after he thought he had 'pulled a muscle' playing with his dog

Doctors surprised man was alive after he thought he had 'pulled a muscle' playing with his dog

A man thought he was suffering from a minor injury before doctors told him what had happened

Doctors were surprised a man was alive after visiting the hospital with what he thought was a pulled muscle.

For many people aches and pains are an everyday occurrence and most go away with time.

Others can overreact and misdiagnose themselves thinking of the worst possible outcomes.

However, for one man, a visit to the hospital left him in shock after doctors discovered that the pain in his leg was actually something far more serious.

Redditor EchoRespite responded to a post on the site asking: "What is the oddest thing you thought was ok/normal and ended up being a medical problem??"

The Reddit user had no idea how serious his pain was (Getty Stock Photo)
The Reddit user had no idea how serious his pain was (Getty Stock Photo)

EchoRespite commented explaining he thought he had pulled a muscle while playing with his dogs. After the pain got worse he decided to go to the hospital.

The post said: “I thought I pulled a muscle playing with my dogs one day. One week later I finally go to the hospital because the pain is getting worse.

“Turns out I suffer from a genetic blood clotting condition and had a two-foot log clot in my leg and multiple pulmonary embolisms on my lungs. [The] doctor was legit surprised I was alive.”

Factor V Leiden thrombophilia is an inherited blood clotting disorder and is the name of a specific mutated gene that leads to thrombophilia. The condition results in a tendency to form blood clots that can block blood vessels, according to the medical advice website, Medline Plus.

People who suffer from the condition have a higher risk of developing a type of blood clot called a deep venous thrombosis (DVT).

These occur most often in the legs, although they can also be found in other parts of the body, including the brain, eyes, liver, and kidneys.

He said he was lucky to be alive after doctors made the discovery (Getty Stock Photo)
He said he was lucky to be alive after doctors made the discovery (Getty Stock Photo)

People were shocked by the story and took to social media to share their thoughts.

One person asked: “Did they take a pic of the clot when they took it out? I’m surprised you’re alive, too. Multiple PEs is no bueno.”

EchoRespite replied: “If they did they didn't show me, haha. I was in ICU for a week and it took a couple of weeks after that to be able to walk normally.”

Another person commented to share a similar experience, they said: “ I had the worst stomach pain for a few days, but chalked it up to indigestion and gas.

“It got so bad that I was in court and barely able to stand up to talk to the judge - breaking out in a cold sweat in the courtroom. So on the way back to the office, I went by urgent care... and a few scans later I apparently had blood clots in my liver and spleen.

“A few very painful injections and a hospital stay later, it was all good.”

Featured Image Credit: Getty Stock Images

Topics: Health, Reddit, Animals